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Windsor Girls' School

‘Aspire Advance Achieve’

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Communications to all students

23 July 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,


As we come to end of another Academic Year, we wanted to share with you some of our highlights and give you some key information for September.


As you would have seen across through our weekly newsletters, we have had a year filled with student success.  We are incredibly proud of our students and in particular how many of them have gone above and beyond, representing the school in sport, music, drama, and whole host of other wonderful activities.  We have seen more and more students embody the core values of our school and becoming wonderful role models and ambassadors for the school.  Our Sports Day and Culture Day this term have been fantastic examples of how our community coming together and celebrating as one.  We are so proud to see the school in these sort of events.


We would like to publicly thank our incredible staff for the efforts they have put in across the year and the unwavering support they give to our students.  Some of our staff will be leaving us at the end of August and we have produced a special newsletter to thank them which will be sent to you today.


We also wanted to inform of you of some additional changes to the pastoral structure of the school.  All students were informed last week about these changes, and we are pleased to announce that our Year Leaders for next year will be:

Year 9 – Mr Clift

Year 10 - Miss Cotton

Year 11 – Mr Black

6th Form – Mrs Bausor


We wrote to you a couple of weeks ago about the Ofsted report and that we had gone back to Ofsted, querying some of the details in the report.  We have had feedback from this process, but they have confirmed that they will not be sending us the final report until September.  This is disappointing as we wanted to be able to share this with you before the break.  However, until it has been sent to us and published on the Ofsted website, we are not permitted to share any detail of the report.  This will be with parents in September.


Our new behaviour systems have worked well this term and we have learnt a lot about what works and what doesn’t.  We have been taking feedback from staff and students in order to adapt and refine these systems ahead of a full and formal launch in September.


Next term there will be a slight change to the timings of the school day.  The start and end of day remain as they are but we are moving our PM registration from 2.55-3.05pm to after break 2.  This now mirrors the timings of Windsor Boys’ School.  The new timings of the school day are below:


08:40 – 08:55 – AM Registration/Assembly

08:55 – 09:55 – Period 1

09:55 – 10:55 – Period 2

10:55-11:25 – Break 1

11:25 – 12:25 – Period 3

12:25 – 13:25 – Period 4

13:25 – 13:55 – Break 2

13:55 – 14:05 – PM Registration

14:05 – 15:05 – Period 5


Finally, we wish you a very enjoyable break – we start back on the Wednesday 4 September for Year 9 and Year 12 only and then all students will be back on Thursday 5 September at 08.35am.


Kind regards



Mr P Griffiths and Mrs E O’Carroll
