Communications to all students
Dear Students,
I hope you have enjoyed your day today – we have all missed you being in school!
This week I wanted to say well done to a number of you! Firstly, to Year 13, congratulations on getting through your mocks. I hope they weren’t too painful and that you get some useful feedback about what you need to do next. Good luck to Year 11 for next week – I’m sure you will be fine!
A huge well done to all of you that have been performing in ‘Anything Goes’. I was a very proud Headteacher on Wednesday watching the show and seeing the sheer number of girls that were involved. Thank you to all of you for the hard work you have put in.
We have three weeks to go until Christmas – make sure you continue to work hard and stay on top of what you need to do so that you can go into the Christmas break satisfied that you’ve given everything this term and we can then all enjoy the exciting end of term events together.
Have a lovely weekend.
P.S Question for this week (Our Year 11 group remain undefeated btw).
Our motto is ‘Aspire, Advance Achieve’. But it wasn’t always this – it changed it 2010. What did it change from?
Mr Griffiths
Head of School