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Windsor Girls' School

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Pastoral Support

Pastoral Support


At Windsor Girls’ School, we are committed to supporting and promoting good mental health and well-being for all staff and students.


We have a dedicated team of teaching staff and support staff who support our students throughout their time at Windsor Girls’ School. Throughout the school, there are different stages of support available, both internally and externally.




Tutors and Year Leaders

The first point of contact for students and parents/carers is the Tutor. Tutors play an important role in the day to day lives of the student whilst at school and they will be able to support and signpost you to the appropriate member of staff in school depending on the nature of the concern. Tutors work closely alongside the relevant Year Leader to ensure the relevant and appropriate support. Depending on the nature of the issue, the Year Leader may be more suitable to contact in the first instance.


Year 9 Leader

Miss Cotton

Year 10 Leader

Mr Clift

Year 11 Leader

Mr Black

Year 12 and 13 Leader

Mrs Bausor






Student Support Centre (SSC)

For those students who need further support, our Student Support Centre offers a wide range of support to facilitate the needs of the students.



HUB 1 and HUB 2 supports students with their emotional well-being. Year Leaders can make referrals for students to the HUB which allow for weekly one to one sessions over the course of 6 weeks, with one of our two HUB Managers, Mrs MacRobert and Ms Cunliffe. Support can be offered to students in the following areas; self-esteem and self-confidence, anxiety, healthy relationships, bereavement support, nurture support and general emotional well-being.


The HUB also offers transition support for those students who may need some extra support with transitioning from the middle schools up to Windsor Girls’. Support is given prior the students joining in Year 9 with students visiting the school and meeting key staff prior to their arrival in September. Students accessing this support are identified by the middle schools, who work closely with the HUB Managers to deliver this support.



Curriculum Support

The Curriculum Support area supports students who have an identified SEND provision, identifying barriers to learning and providing specialist support that enables all students to advance in their learning. Through the delivery of Wave, 2, 3, and 4 curriculum support and interventions, this enables all students to reach their potential. The BASE also inputs into the support framework for statutory requirements for EHCP students and supports the personalised curriculums of individual students contributing to a broad and balanced curriculum. 




Student mentoring

Students at Windsor Girls’ School also have the opportunity to be referred to for mentoring. This service can support students with any academic or pastoral concerns, with students working closely with Mr Chambers, SSC Mentor. Mentoring sessions take place once a week.

We also run a successful Sixth Form Leadership Mentoring service, where the Senior Sixth Form Leadership Team mentor Year 9 students to support them with their transition to Windsor Girls’ School and any concerns they may have.


Reporting a concern

If a student would like to report a concern into the school, they can do this through an online form. Access to this form is through the QR code below. All tutor boards also have this information and QR code on them.

This form is anonymous, and we encourage students who are concerned and worried about the actions of another student either towards them or to another student to report it. As part of our theme of Together and Respect, it is important that students report any unkind behaviour to us so that we can follow up.

Miss Castle, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Shaw, Pastoral Manager oversee and follow up with the form entries.




If you see it. Say it. Together we can solve it.